"Quick Lit" - Literature Review, (QL1, 75 points): For your "quick lits" ("QL," a brief literature review on a class relevant topic), you will be asked to examine an element of Educational Psychology. You may choose any topic you wish and be as creative as you would like. In each quick lit, you should identify varying opinions on the topic while discussing recent research in the area (include citations and resources). Each final product should be 5 - 6 pages in length (not including cover page and References page APA style, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font) and written using a research-oriented writing style.
The first person should be avoided and the writing should be an original work. (Plagiarism is a big deal. How big? http://www.mesacc.edu/~paoih30491/ArgumentsQuoteSummarizeParaphr.html) I use a rubric to review your quick literature reviews. Be sure to pay close attention to the assignment requirements, as I use those requirements when completing each student's rubric. Please note that Turn It In will be used for these assignments.Resubmissions are not allowed. Visit the OWL at Purdue for APA style (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)) And, here is a document with APA formatting that you may use - just add your content! APA Formatting Template.docx So then, ask yourself the following questions... Is this topic relevant to Educational Psychology? (Review your textbook! Choose ANYTHING!) Do you have at least THREE resources that are RELIABLE? (Avoid using ALL websites!
Get some primary resources in there, such as research articles and books from the LIBRARY. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA.) Do you have a title page? Do you have a running head? Do you have page numbers? Are all of your resources cited properly? Do you have a references page? Is it 5 - 6 pages in length? Is it written with a research voice? Is it CLEAR AND CONCISE WITH PROPER GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION? Recommendation: Read your paper out loud to yourself and/or have others edit your work. Better yet, visit the Mesa CC Writing Center for feedback. Please follow proper APA format for all components of your paper. If you need more information about APA style, visit the OWL at Purdue (Links to an external site.). Their online writing lab is an excellent resource!
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