A case study is a diminutive account of a factual business situation. Examining case studies allows you to apply course concepts to an actual situation.



Week 7 – Case Analysis: Online Marketing at Big Skinny

A case study is a diminutive account of a factual business situation. Examining case studies allows you to apply course concepts to an actual situation. Typically, there are no "precise or erroneous" answers. Instead, it is an opportunity to validate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts to real events.

Big Skinny CEO Kiril Alexandrov is an expert at selling his company's product - ultrathin wallets - using in-person interactions and conventional media. However, his online marketing strategy is ad hoc. Your assignment is to evaluate Big Skinny's online marketing strategy and establish Kiril's priorities for future online expansion.


1. Complete the assigned Online Marketing at Big Skinny case reading and any optional readings or videos you choose for this course.

2. Review the Writing Assignments and Presentations Rubric in Materials below to see how your work for this assignment will be graded.

3. In a Microsoft Word document, write a paper in which you assess how effectively the various digital marketing methods discussed in the case promote sales of wallets, against the backdrop of differences between online marketing and conventional advertising. You should also evaluate Big Skinny's online marketing strategy and establish Kiril's priorities for future online expansion. Following are questions you should consider in your paper:

1. What should Kiril focus on next? What should his lowest priority? Why?

2. How effectively is Big Skinny using social media to sell its wallets?

3. Should Big Skinny expand its partnerships with online distributors?

In your paper support your analysis using research (Internet or other forms) and the ideas and concepts presented in chapter 14-17. This assignment is an opportunity to validate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts to real events.

4. Ensure that your paper incorporates the following:

• A six pages (not including cover page, table of contents, etc.)

• Double-spaced lines

• 12-point font size text

• APA writing style

This case of study has to be resolve with all the parameters of a Harvard solution giving an analysis to all the case and answering all the question listed before in this instructions. 

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