A high level of GDP and a low growth rate or in a nation with a low level of GDP and a high growth rate



This question has 2 parts to it and I need both parts completed. The first part is listed below and the second part is in the attached file.

According to economic growth theory, the level of the GDP and the rate of the real GDP growth rate have different economic implications about the economic well-being of a country. If you are given the options, would you rather live in a nation with a high level of GDP and a low growth rate or in a nation with a low level of GDP and a high growth rate? Why?

Economists consider education as an investment that has both private and social benefits. Education is also the major source of human capital, which is the most important form of capital for the long term economic growth. What is the opportunity cost of investing in human capital? Do you think a country can “overinvest” in human capital? What is the opportunity cost of attending college? Explain. 

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