Your task is to implement a recursive descent parser to recognize and evaluate simple expressions.
You will start with the program and extend it to a Pluto 2.0 version that will include
support for boolean expressions and comparison operators.
Pluto 2.0 will be based on the following grammar:
<command> -> <bool_expr>
<bool_expr> -> <bool_term> {OR <bool_term>}
<bool_term> -> <not_factor> {AND <not_factor>}
<not_factor> -> {NOT} <bool_factor>
<bool_factor> -> BOOL | LPAREN <bool_expr> RPAREN | <comparison>
<comparison> -> <arith_expr> [COMP_OP <arith_expr>]
<arith_expr> -> <term> {ADD_OP <term>}
<term> -> <factor> {MULT_OP <factor>}
<factor>-> LPAREN <arith_expr> RPAREN | FLOAT | INT
You will also have to define and accept tokens to represent the boolean values 'True' and 'False', the
boolean operators 'and', 'or' and 'not' and the comparison operators '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!=':
BOOL: 'True' or 'False'
AND: 'and'
OR: 'or'
NOT: 'not'
COMP_OP: '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!='
Here are some test cases. More tests are provided in the grading rubric. Please feel free to add
your own.
Pluto 2.0>>>8.5 > 6 and 8 + 3 == 11 and 72 <=100 and 5 != 2+6 and 100 >= 20 or 4 < 2
Pluto 2.0>>>not not not True
Pluto 2.0>>>9 * 4 + 4 > 17
Pluto 2.0>>>not(8/2 > 3.14) or 7 < 10 and 10 < 1
Pluto 2.0>>> 8 * 2.0 == 16
Pluto 2.0>>>7 + 6 * 2 != 15
Pluto 2.0>>>8 + 9 != > 10
Parser error
Expected: NUMBER
Got: >
line 1 position 9
Pluto 2.0>>>True or True and False
Pluto 2.0>>>(True or True) and False
Pluto 2.0>>>not True or True
Pluto 2.0>>>not (True or True)
The operator module includes the functions corresponding to the comparison operators: lt, gt, eq,
ne, le, ge
If we add the import statement:
from operator import lt, gt, eq, ne, le, ge
then instead of:
result = a < b
we can write:
result = lt(a, b)
Make sure you add these comparison operators and their corresponding functions to the
Make sure you always call a match to advance to the next token. If the parser is generating an
the error that does not make sense, it is very likely that there is a missing call to match.
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