“A startup is a company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious and success is not guaranteed” says Neil Blumenthal, cofounder and co-CEO of Warby Parker.

computer science


CP3402/CP5637 Assignment 1


Design, create and publish a website for your own startup idea using two different well-known CMSs.

“A startup is a company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious and success is not guaranteed” says Neil Blumenthal, cofounder and co-CEO of Warby Parker.

Wikipedia says a startup is an entrepreneurial venture or a new business designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. It is not just a new business... So, your idea must have some innovative and novel aspect to it. Examples of business ideas that are NOT startups include: online clothing store, hair dressing salon, IT consultancy, website design company, restaurant… Those are all “tried and true” or “normal” businesses where the solution is obvious, and are therefore not suitable for your assignment topic.

Here is a list of startups if you need some ideas: https://angel.co/companies/trending

Your idea can be new or something you have used before and it can be fictitious or real, as long as you have not already made a website for it (you cannot re-use or re-make an existing site).


The two sites should have the same content and structure but do not need to be identical. They should look as similar as practical, but you do not need to create custom themes/templates. You can use any available designs, but they should be appropriate for your goal and target audience.


Your sites need to include appropriate content for the goal, and must also include a short video that you make for your startup. This does not need to be fancy or take a long time – you could just record it on a phone.

It is up to you what actual content you put on your sites, but it must be suitable and complete. This could include: details of your product or service (but you don’t need a working product/service!) like features, benefits, pricing, comparisons…, details bout the company/team, contact information, privacy/legal statements... and it should have a clear goal (call-to-action)!

You need to choose, install and use at least one additional plugin/extension that is not provided in a base install of each CMS (these do not need to be the same) to provide some useful extra functionality to enhance your sites.

Note: You must use proper CMSs (e.g. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.), NOT site builders or WYSIWYG systems like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, etc.

Documentation & Submission:

Complete the template submission file, a1.html, with the requested information including links to your sites and submit it and appropriate "exports" of your sites (use the CMS's export/backup feature) by uploading to LearnJCU under Assessment. Submit 3 separate files: a1.html and the two export files of your sites.

Complete a brief but thoughtful and insightful project reflection as part of the documentation. Don’t just describe differences and preferences between CMSs, but your experience and insights into their designs.


The actual sites must be published on a public Web server (or servers), anywhere you like. It is up to you to figure out appropriate hosting. You may like to consider the following options. Note: You are not expected to pay any money for hosting. All of these options have free/student tiers available.


·         SiteGround – sign up at https://www.siteground.com/studentsprogram

·         Amazon Web Services (JCU is a partner academic institution so you get significant credit)

·         or anything else you evaluate as being most suitable for your needs, including Google Cloud Platform or DigitalOcean (free via GitHub Student Pack: https://education.github.com/pack)

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