A writing assignment will focus on formulating a thesis, structuring an argument, and using textual evidence effectively to develop an argument. You have to do research on the topics ( below) and form an essay using introduction, body and conclusion using 6-8 pages word document( double spaced), times new roman 12. The research should be conducted for this paper using proper sources such as ( journals/ newspaper articles etc) not any websites and then cite it in the last page as " reference list". The format to strictly follow and to cite is APA format and also do intext citation. This is excluding 6-8 pages i mentioned above. You can choose any of the topics below: Philosophy of Law Suggested essay topics: Natural law theory Positivist law theory Realist theory Legal formalism St Thomas Aquinas and the Natural Law John Locke and the Natural law Hobbes and the Natural law H.L.A. Hart on the union of secondary and primary rules Ronald Dworkin’s criticism of Hart’s Legal positivism Foucault and the Prison system Marxian interpretations of law Marxism and International Law Oliver Wendell Holmes and the American Realist school The German Frankfurt School and the function of Law John Stuart Mill’s Harm principle Jeremy Bentham on the function of Law Ronal Dworkin on Rights and the Law H.L.A. Hart on International law John Austin’s legal philosophy Hans Kelsen’s pure theory of Law
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