Answer all “CHALLENGE” questions in the 5 Modules. Save all of your answers in a single Word document. Include a screenshot of your RapidMiner “results” for each “CHALLENGE” section, or question, as appropriate.

computer science


Learning Objectives:

1.      Explore simple methods of data preparation and manipulation

2.      Explore predictive analytics with a decision tree using RapidMiner


Overall Instructions

·         IAA-C assignment file download (attached)

·         Excel data files:

o     IAA-C Crime Rates - 2019

o     IAA-C Population Estimates - 2019

·         You will need to have the software RapidMiner on your computer.

·         Complete the following five lab modules[1]


Assignment Tasks

·         Answer all “CHALLENGE” questions in the 5 Modules. Save all of your answers in a single Word document. Include a screenshot of your RapidMiner “results” for each “CHALLENGE” section, or question, as appropriate.

·         Write a paragraph to discuss what steps/results from your RapidMiner work connects to key concepts from the Decision Tree lecture.

·         Write a paragraph to discuss how businesses may use decision tree as a business analytics method to enhance their bottom line (i.e., to increase profitability.) Use the Business Analytics section of Course EIA materials as the basis of your discussion.


Deliverables: Submit a single Word document with all of your answers and screenshots through Moodle.


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