Assignment 5 This assignment is to refactor the design and the code you had for Assignment 2 (Old Maid Card Game) based on the design guidelines of cohesion and coupling we discussed in class. Specifically, you review and reevaluate the code design to see



Assignment 5 This assignment is to refactor the design and the code you had for Assignment 2 (Old Maid Card Game) based on the design guidelines of cohesion and coupling we discussed in class. Specifically, you review and reevaluate the code design to see where and how you might improve the design/code with the exception of the classes Card, Deck, Hand that you borrowed. Evaluate each of the classes you had to make sure that it’s a single-task class, otherwise, break it up. After refactoring, for each class, indicate the class invariants at the top of class declaration. Evaluate each of the methods, and refactor it based on the following requirements: Evaluate the current level of cohesion and coupling, as well as the appropriateness of the method name and the parameters used. If problematic, think about how to improve, and make necessary improvements. After refactoring, for each method of five most complex methods at your discretion, indicate at the top of the method header a cohesion level of the method that you think is appropriate. Also, indicate the pre and post conditions of the method. Write an activity diagram that describes activities from dealing the cards to the completion of a game. Comment, in general, on the improvements you made to the code design.

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