Assignment Instructions Develop a list of no less than 10 elements you would use to determine the credibility of facts, articles, websites, news, etc. Thoroughly explain each element and why it is important. Your response can take the form of a table or P



Assignment Instructions Develop a list of no less than 10 elements you would use to determine the credibility of facts, articles, websites, news, etc. Thoroughly explain each element and why it is important. Your response can take the form of a table or PP presentation. Remember to include detailed speaker notes if you prepare a PP presentation. The bulk of your text should be in the speaker notes. The slides are key points of your text. Include credible references to support your recommendations. You can prepare a simple table in Word or a PP presentation for this assignment. Truthfully, I think the table format is the simplest. If you do not know how to create a table in Word, check You Tube for a tutorial. Keep in mind that You Tube has tutorials for just about everything! Be sure to include a separate cover page and your references.

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