Based on the information that you have gathered, explain the changes in financial ratios.



A. Based on the information that you have gathered, explain the changes in financial ratios. Has anything changed in the few years of financial statements that you have obtained? i. What are the reasons for these changes? B. Based on the information you have gathered, analyze the changes in the financial reports regarding cash. Be sure to examine the statement of cash flows. i. What are the reasons for these changes? C. Based on the information you have gathered, analyze the changes in the financial reports regarding the account balance. i. What are the reasons for these changes? D. Describe the type of valuation method that your company uses and explain why it uses this method. i. What are the benefits of this method? E. Based on industry trends, future plans of your company, and the information you have gathered, predict how your company will perform in the following year compared to competitors.

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