Battleship Simulation on JAVA(please can you add
comments for the code so that I can understand the problem)
You will write a program to
play a version of the game of Battleship against the computer. Our simplified
version of the game will be played on a single 8 by 8 grid. Before the actual
game, each player secretly places 6 ships and 4 grenades on the grid. Ships and
grenades are a single position on the grid. The position of these ships and
grenades are of course hidden from the opponent. Once both players have placed
their ships and grenades, the actual game starts. Each player, in turn, “shoots
a rocket” on the grid(i.e. Calls a position)
If the rocket (the position called) falls on a position where there is nothing,
then nothing happens, and the other player can shoot his/her rocket.
If the rocket falls on a coordinate where the opponent (or the player) has a
grenade, then the player loses a turn, and next time, the opponent will play
twice in a row.
If the rocket falls on a coordinate where the opponent (or the player...) has a
ship, then that ship sinks.
- If the rocket falls on a
coordinate that has been called before, regardless of what was there before,
nothing happens. (So, for example, a grenade can only explode once).
The goal of the game is to sink all of your opponent’s ships before
your opponent sinks yours.
For the sake of simplicity, you
can assume that ships and grenades cannot overlap. So, you cannot have 2
grenades on the same position, have 2 ships on the same position, or have a
grenade on a ship.
For example, let’s consider the
following grid
Here, one player (identified
in black) has his/her 6 ships at positions A1, G1, A4, C4, G4 and A6 and 4
grenades at positions D1, B6, B7 and H6. The other player has his/her ships at
H2, A3, E3, H4, E5 and C8 and 4 grenades at positions H1, B2, C6 and H7.
If black starts the game and
“shoots a rocket” at position D2 then nothing happens, and we have the
following grid.
It is white’s turn now. White
shoots at G4. The rocket hits one of black’s ship. The ship sinks. We now have:
Black shoots at H1. The rocket
hits a grenade. Black will lose a turn. We now have:
White shoots at H8. Nothing.
White shoots again (remember,
black lost a turn). White shoots at G1. It sinks another of
black’s ships.
White plays now. He is a bit
confused and shoots at H4. He just sunk his own ship...
White shoots at a safe position
H1. It is a grenade that already exploded. Nothing happens.
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