Bernie Madoff Case article assignment help

general article writing


PowerPoint Presentation

Bernie Madoff Case

You will develop a PowerPoint presentation about the case you reviewed, your thoughts about

the case, and any information you would like to comment on to your classmates. Based on input

from classmates and the professor, you will finalize the PowerPoint and complete the paper

related to this presentation for submission. Additional information will be provided by your


The student will be required to develop a PowerPoint presentation educating the other students

on the selected case study. The presentation will need to cover the following topics:

  •  Introduction/Background to the case study
  •  Key Facts of the case study
  •  Why did the fraud happen?
  •  How was the fraud detected?
  •  How can fraud be prevented in the future?

Each fraud presentation needs to be between 10 to 15 slides and the student MUST include

detailed narrative in the notes section of the presentation. This means the student will type

out what would be said during the presentation so the professor can review (as if you were

standing in front of the class).

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