Build an action plan on the situational analysis paper you wrote in Assessment 3; however, be sure to provide the full context needed to support your action plan within this paper. Assume that the reader is not familiar with your situational analysis pape



Build an action plan on the situational analysis paper you wrote in Assessment 3; however, be sure to provide the full context needed to support your action plan within this paper. Assume that the reader is not familiar with your situational analysis paper. Create your action plan based on the findings you have generated about your selected topic, addressing each of the three situational analysis perspectives (business, organizational, cultural). Your action plan should allow an HR professional to make informed, data-driven decisions focused on taking strategically aligned and tactically effective action for organizational success. Action plans are created using a myriad of different formats. In order to articulate the goals, actions, and metrics of your organizational initiative, vary the format as needed to best present your work. Use empirical information and data specific to the organization to support your action plan. Eliminate any personal or unsupported assertions, industry attitudes, or opinions, in order to ensure your action plan is viable and convincing. Your action plan should address all of the following: Achievement criteria: What criteria are used to measure progress and goal achievement? Action steps: Who performs specific actions to achieve objectives within a specific timeframe? Resource requirement: What resources are necessary to enable the action plan objectives to be achieved? 

Achievement dates: What are the objective achievement dates for the action steps? Review criteria: When will action plan results be reviewed, by whom, and using what achievement criteria? Note: It is highly recommended that you research the materials listed in the Resources under the Internet Resources heading before attempting to complete this assessment, paying special attention to the topic of HR metrics. Refer to the Analysis Versus Evaluation document (linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading) for a review of how these two skills are defined within the context of the assessment scoring guide.

 Additional Requirements Written communication:Your writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting:Format resources and citations according to APA (6th edition) style. Bibliography of accumulated resources: Support your action plan with references from at least 10–15 scholarly and professional resources, comprising the following: At least 6–8 scholarly works. At least 4–7 resources comprised of interviews or blogs of knowledge practitioners, conference proceedings, and organization-specific business data. The business data should include empirical information specific to the organization you have selected. Font, font size, and page layout: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced font with one-inch page margins. Length of paper:5–6 pages.

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