Business Marketing assignment help



In the Discussion, you shared your consumer buying decision factors in line with your Chapter 6 Reading. In this Assignment, you will address what is commonly referred to as B2B marketing (e.g., business to business) covered in your Chapter 7 Reading and the Learning Activity. An example of B2B marketing would be Your business markets a bolt used in a bicycle manufacturer’s racing bikes which in turn are sold to consumers.

In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competency:

  • Verbal Communication
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This competency also is critical to your success in most jobs. Whether by phone, recorded presentation, in person, or via video conferencing or chat, your ability to articulate a message or piece of information in a clear, concise, and professional manner can distinguish you from your peers and/or competition.

In this Assignment, you will create an audiovisual presentation to verbally market a product to another business rather than to consumers.

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