case study #2: What: Conduct research into Whole Foods (page C-11 in our text( that includes your responses to: How would you characterize Whole Food's competitive strategy? Should it be classified as a low-cost provider strategy? Differentiation stra



case study #2: What: Conduct research into Whole Foods (page C-11 in our text( that includes your responses to: How would you characterize Whole Food's competitive strategy? Should it be classified as a low-cost provider strategy? Differentiation strategy? A best-cost strategy? Whole Foods has been experimenting with smaller stores. How does that support (or not) their strategy, once you have firmly identified it? A common consumer observation is that Whole Foods is a great place to shop, as you can see many of the new Organic foods and get your hands on it, but then shop online for a better price. If you were CEO of Whole Foods, what action would you take to minimize that and get shoppers to buy while in your stores? How: Paper should be 4-6 pages in length, be in MLA format, and you should supply at least 3 references (Wikipedia not acceptable)

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