<html><head></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">#include
#include <cassert>
#include "ticTacToeBoard.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
ticTacToeBoard b1;
int x, y;
//while board not full
while (!boardFull(b1)) {
//Ask for current player to make move
if (b1.curr_player == 1) cout << "Player X";
else cout << "Player O";
cout << ", what is your move?\n";
//loop to get valid move.
do {
cin >> x; cin >> y;
//if move out of bound, get input agin
if ( !((1<=x)&&(x<=4)&&(1<=y)&&(y<=4)) ) {
cout << "Out of bounds.\n";
//If empty make move
if (isEmpty(b1,x,y)) {
break; //done with this move
} else {
cout << "You can't play there.\n";//get input again
} while(true);
if (winner(b1)!=0) break;//if there is a winner, exit
//Swap player
b1.curr_player *= -1;
//We're done either because there's a winner
//or because the board is full.
if (winner(b1)==1)
cout << "X is the winner!\n";
else if (winner(b1)==-1)
cout << "O is the winner!\n";
cout << "The game is a tie!\n";
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