Construct a watch list containing the top 20 publicly listed blue chip companies in the US, based on market capitalization.



                     Lab assignment 2



As the recently recruited quantitative analyst at JP Morgan Inc. you have been provided your first task which relates to the effective use of Factset in financial analysis.

Your task is as follows:

  1. Construct a watch list containing the top 20 publicly listed blue chip companies in the US, based on market capitalization. 
  2. Segment them into US sector classifications followed by industry classifications.
  3. Based on latest dividend yield information, what can you observe regarding which industry led in the US, assuming you restrict yourself to the list of those 20 companies?
  4. Which industry tends to have the proportionately higher number of stocks among the top 20 selected companies? 
  5. You are interested to add some stocks from the British equity market into your portfolio as follows:
    • 1 active stock from the British equity market, in the Finance sector with the highest dividend yield over the last year.
    • All constituents of the Consumer durables sector with dividend yield greater than 15%.
  6. How was the 12 month % change in the stock price and the YTD % change different for the stocks in the portfolio above? 

     7. Using a revenue exposure breakdown from industry to sectors using the Revere Business Industry Classification System, demonstrate clearly in which industry and sector, is Amazon making most of its revenue.


Note: You need to show all your workings in a word document and also on your Factset software, where applicable.

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