Convert a physical problem to a computational problem using a MATLAB loops and/or conditional statements.



Problem 2 

Learning objectives: 

o Convert a physical problem to a computational problem using a MATLAB loops and/or conditional statements. 

o Correctly use variables in loops and/or conditional statements. 

Task 1:

 A drone is taking-off from the ground to the sky with a constant acceleration a = 31 m/s2 . The total duration of the take-off phase is 0.6 seconds. The flight of the drone can be divided in three segments: 

Segment 1: 

For the first 0.15 seconds, the drone moves up with a constant acceleration. The velocity v and the position h of the drone as a function of time t are given by:

where t is the time in seconds. In the computer program this segment starts at t = 0 and the looping continues as long as t ≤ 0.15 s. The velocity v and the position h at the end of this segment are v1 and h1. 

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