ACC 450/550 FALL 2019
Requirements (generally, previous students had in
lower double figures in number of pages 12-14):
Must have following (this is the most writing, but actually
the easiest assignment of the three):
Cover sheet with distribution list (list of who
receives report - appropriate to findings, must have proper titles and names –
line-up both columns – do not center each line). Do not forget date and title and exactly what
kind of report is this. Suggest that
TITLE (make sure that you have indicated the company and type of report – WHAT
CLASS IS THIS?) is at top about 1/3 the way down, distribution list in middle,
and date about 1/3 from bottom. Try to
somewhat center distribution list, but first letters of first names and titles
must line-up exactly, so cannot center whole list.
Al Kaline VP
Cabrera VP Engineering
Willy Horton VP Purchasing
Justin Verlander VP Human Resources
Gordie Howe AVP Controller
Tiger Woods VP
Investor Relations
Borkowski External Auditor Partner
D. Robert
Okopny Chief Audit Executive
Your Name Manager, Internal Audit
Table of Contents (all caps second
page) – generally don’t use dots, and page numbers must line up, do not
put the word page next to every page number (put above the column of pages) and
should not have 20 page numbers. Keep
page numbers to sections only. If do sections, then indent subsections.
CENTERED ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (These are the primary main sections) –
they are not centered here as I am putting explanations. Do not ever write next to any heading.
Executive Summary – decide what might be important
enough for high level executives, such as the BOD and audit committee regarding
your results (this is not just a repeat of the findings). Some may be important, some not. Do this section last. Remember the high-level executives do not
want extremely detailed information. (DOUBLE SPACE)
Background – Summarize information of the entity using an
appropriate amount of the information I give to you, required by key senior
management based on the background data provided – Be sure to evaluate and
analyze what is key to the audit report.
Senior company management and the Audit Committee have limited time and
would like to focus on the important areas.
Use information below and you can make up anything else needed. Write as someone who is an internal auditor (employee)
of Cascade Corporation (LC), not an external consulting internal auditor.
Audit Scope and Purpose
– Needs to be
developed based on the audit findings.
Need paragraph or few lines on each.
What is the scope of the audit and what is the primary purpose. Remember the definition of internal auditing. This should be one or two short paragraphs
and can be one section. (DOUBLE SPACE)
Write up of Findings – these are the
problems, issues, opportunities or whatever you want to call them SEE FORMAT
below. There is a required hierarchy
given below – this is the most important part of the report. Each section can be single spaced with a space between each section.
Write up of Recommendations – to fix the
problems – this is one item in the list of items for every finding.
Reply – insert a heading for
a Reply for each
finding, but you do not need to provide
any writing as
this space would normally be used by the “auditee”. This is the only heading that can be at the bottom of the page without text
following it.
Summary, must include an OVERALL evaluation of entity (use
an appropriate key developed by you) - this is a necessary section, and this
is not a repeat of the individual findings and an evaluation of those -
will be marked down at least 5 points for no overall evaluation. Similar to a grade in class, or personnel
performance review, but not using the same scale (do not use grades). Hint: a table may be necessary, but still
need one overall evaluation in this
section which is a conclusion for the whole audit (underline it so, I can
easily see). Many students forget to do
this and lose points. No matter what you
evaluate each finding; you must have an overall evaluation for the auditee (Cascade
Corporation). I suggest that you send to
me to review when close to done as I can save you many easy points. Not including the overall evaluation of the
total findings is most missed section.
Organize each
finding (use name for the finding, not the word finding e.g. Missing Cash
Deposit), Recommendation, and Reply by Department – you (not me) have to decide which departments match to specific
findings (as usually do not use any
personal pronouns – I, me, we, and especially you as in “you know’ dude:
You must make
up (Be creative) what you do not
have for the write-ups below. The
information should make some rationale sense.
Findings to
you about 50 percent. THIS IS THE MAJOR
PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT. This has no relationship to the past two assignments.
Company is a large food services provider.
1. Employees
at the Utica, MI golf club factory facility were observed in the grinding machine
area without protective equipment (protective glasses). One other employee was
treated for eye irritations in this area due to a lack of safety glasses. And,
two employees were diagnosed with lung disorders from not wearing masks in the
buffing room processes which produces large floating debris.
2. The
required background checks for all new employees were not performed by Human
Resources. The corporation had two new sales representatives who committed
fraud on their expense reports when they were visiting golf courses across the
country. Background checks later were
found that they had criminal backgrounds. This loss totaled a $9,051. Additionally, ICE raided the manufacturing facility
and found 2 other employees who were illegal aliens who used false social
security information to be hired. This hit the local news.
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