create a class ArrayList that implements all the methods in following interface: public interface List

computer science


- please answer this question in Java:

Please help me to create a class ArrayList that implements all the methods in following interface:

public interface List<T extends Comparable<T>> {

     * Add an element to end of the list. If element is null,
     * it will NOT add it and return false.  Otherwise, it
     * will add it and return true. Updates isSorted to false if
     * the element added breaks sorted order.
     * @param element element to be added to the list.
     * @return if the addition was successful.

    boolean add(T element);

    /**   * Add an element at specific index. This method should
     * also shift the element currently at that position (if
     * any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds
     * one to their indices). If element is null, or if index
     * index is out-of-bounds (index < 0 or index >= size_of_list),
     * it will NOT add it and return false. Otherwise it will
     * add it and return true. See size() for the definition
     * of size of list. Also updates isSorted variable to false if the
     * element added breaks the current sorted order.
     * @param index index at which to add the element.
     * @param element element to be added to the list.
     * @return if the addition was successful.

    boolean add(int index, T element);

     * Remove all elements from the list and updates isSorted accordingly.

    void clear();

     * Return the element at given index. If index is
     * out-of-bounds, it will return null.
     * @param index index to obtain from the list.
     * @return the element at the given index.

    T get(int index);

     * Return the first index of element in the list. If element
     * is null or not found in the list, return -1. If isSorted is
     * true, uses the ordering of the list to increase the efficiency
     * of the search.
     * @param element element to be found in the list.
     * @return first index of the element in the list.

    int indexOf(T element);

     * Return true if the list is empty and false otherwise.
     * @return if the list is empty.

    public boolean isEmpty();

     * Return the number of elements in the list. For example, if
     * 4 elements added to a list, size will return 4, while the
     * last index in the list will be 3.
     * @return size of the list.

    int size();

     * Sort the elements of the list in ascending order using selection sort.
     * If isSorted is true, do NOT re-sort.
     * Hint: Since T extends Comparable, you will find it useful
     * to use the public int compareTo(T other) method.
     * Updates isSorted accordingly.

    void sort();

     * Remove whatever is at index 'index' in the list and return
     * it. If index is out-of-bounds, return null. For the ArrayList,
     * elements to the right of index should be shifted over to maintain
     * contiguous storage. Must check to see if the list is sorted after removal
     * of the element at the given index and updates isSorted accordingly.
     * @param index position to remove from the list.
     * @return the removed element.

    T remove(int index);

     * Removes all elements of the list that are not equal to 'element'. If element is null, don't do anything.
     * When this function returns, the only elements that should be left in this list
     * are equal to 'element'. This method should not change the ordering of the list.
     * If the list is sorted, use this fact to increase the efficiency of this method.
     * This method should be done IN PLACE. Do not use any extra data structures to
     * solve this problem. (You are NOT allowed to create a new array for this function).
     * Updates isSorted accordingly.
     * @param element type of element to be kept in the list.

    void equalTo(T element);

     * Reverses the list IN PLACE. Any use of intermediate data structures will yield
     * your solution invalid.

    void reverse();

     * Merges two sorted lists together into this list. If other is null, do not attempt to merge.
     * Sort MUST be called first on both this list and other list. The resulting listshould be sorted.
     * Updates isSorted to true. You will have to cast otherList from a List<T> type to a LinkedList<T>
     * or ArrayList<T> type.
     * After error checking, the first two lines of your code should be:
     * LinkedList<T> other = (LinkedList<T>) otherList; or ArrayList<T> other = (Arraylist<T>) otherList;
     * sort();
     * other.sort();
     * Other than these two lines, you may not sort, or call the sort method, anywhere else in this function.
     * Ignoring this rule will result in an invalid solution.
     * IMPORTANT NOTE: Ignore the time complexity of the sort function calls when determining the time
     * complexity of this method. (i.e. Just consider the merging portion of this function).
     * Second Note for ArrayList: You will be required to create an array of the perfect size to
     * fill all elements from both lists into the new one. Then you will update the current list to
     * this new one.
     * @param otherList list to be merged into this one.

    void merge(List<T> otherList);

     * Rotate this list to the right by n positions. This rotation must be done IN PLACE. Any use of
     * intermediate data structures will yield your solution invalid. If
     * n is less than or equal to 0 OR the list length is less than or equal to 1, return false without rotating.
     * Returns true otherwise after completing the rotation. Updates isSorted accordingly.
     * @param n number of rotations.
     * @return if the rotation was successful.

    boolean rotate(int n);

     * Note that this method exists for debugging purposes.
     * It calls the toString method of the underlying elements in
     * the list in order to create a String representation of the list.
     * The format of the toString should appear as follows:
     * Element_1
     * Element_2
     * .
     * .
     * .
     * Element_n
     * Watch out for extra spaces or carriage returns. Each element
     * should be printed on its own line.
     * @return String representation of the list.

    String toString();

     * Simply returns the isSorted attribute.
     * @return isSorted boolean attribute.

    boolean isSorted();

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