Create a program to store information about Entertainment
Occurs Indoors
Occurs Outdoors
Let’s store information about Movies
(movies you watch at a theater of some sort)
Star Rating
Cost of Ticket
Let’s store information about games
Minimum Player Age
Let’s store information about football
Home Team Name
Away Team Name
Home Team Score
Away Team Score
Cost of a ticket to view the game
Let’s store information about a board
Maximum Number of Players
Uses a deck of cards
Uses dice
Cost of the game
All types of Entertainment will require a method that says what happens during that entertainment
(for example: Yahtzee is a game played with dice, each player takes a turn
trying to roll various sequences of numbers).
All types of Games will require a method that says where the game
typically is purchased and where the
game is typically played (for example: Monopoly is a board game that is
typically purchase from a retail store that sells board games. You typically play Monopoly in your living
room, game room, or kitchen table. All
games will have a method that would be used to make the game play (for this example, just display a messaging such
as “You are playing a game of football)
Movies are a kind of entertainment
Games are a kind of entertainment
A Football game is a kind of game
A board game is a kind of game
The program will have the following menu system:
Buy a movie (this is really just adding a new movie record)
Buy a game (this is really just adding a new game record
Enter results of a Football Game (add a new object and populate it)
Display all types of Entertainment (to both the screen and a text file)
Sell a board game (just removing the board game from the array or list)
Display all games that are equal (You make this up)
Some where you will have the following constants:
When you sell a game,
this is used to determine the sales tax amount
When you add a new board game, you will make
sure this is the maximum number of possible players
When adding a game, this
is the youngest age of any player
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