create an application that tenants can go online and request for service. Eg if the A/C is not working, the tenant can go online and request a service to have the A/C fixed

computer science


using mean stack like angular, express, nodejs, mongo

create an application that tenants can go online and request for service. Eg if the A/C is not working, the tenant can go online and request a service to have the A/C fixed

create a management system application or an app that landloard can use to manage their rental properties. This application should contain

  • Service requests that a tenant can go online to request for service. Service which includes
  1. Create entries for repair records.
  2. Update service requests when it’s completed.
  3. Delete an entry if mistakenly added.
  4. View/Search all the entries created within certain timeframe.
  5. View summaries of expenses on repairs within certain period or with certain types

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