1 Introduction
• Analysis: Economists use their specialist knowledge and skills to analyse the likely outcomes of policy alternatives. They then evaluate these outcomes against the government’s objectives and statutory obligations.
• Communication: Economists communicate their findings to ministers and senior public servants, who, in many instances, do not share their specialised knowledge. This assignment will assess your aptitudes in both of these domains. You are to conduct an industry analysis based on the scenario detailed in section 2. Then use your analysis as the basis for a brief (a short report) summarising your recommendations and the associated rationale.
1.1 Formatting requirements
Your assignment must be typed using Microsoft Word, or a similar word processor. Both parts of the assignment should be included in the same document with the brief placed before the industry analysis. The document should have a professional appearance, appropriate to a government workplace. Format your assignment as follows:
• Use A4 sized paper with all margins at least 2.5cm.
• Body text to be 12pt and black. (There is no minimum line spacing.)
• All pages to be numbered.
• DO NOT include a cover sheet or table of contents.
• Optional: Save your assignment as a PDF to ensure that your document and equations appear as you intend.
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