Define a function named combined_length that accepts two arguments, string_one and string_two, and returns their combined length.

computer science


1)      Exercise: Define a function named combined_length that accepts two arguments, string_one and string_two, and returns their combined length. For example, when given the arguments "hi" and "there", your function should return 7

assert combined_length("hi", "there") == 7

assert combined_length("foo", "bar") == 6


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-17-05cf60eb871f> in <module>

----> 1 assert combined_length("hi", "there") == 7

      2 assert combined_length("foo", "bar") == 6


TypeError: 'str' object is not callable


2)      Exercise: Write a function called calculate_average that accepts one argument called my_list and returns the average value (arithmetic mean) of the items in the list. For example, when the value [3,9,12] is passed as the argument, your function should return 8. Hint: you will need to use the sum and len functions.

assert calculate_average([3,9,12]) == 8
assert calculate_average([5,4,8,9]) == 6.5
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-34-20507da77250> in <module>
----> 1 assert calculate_average([3,9,12]) == 8
      2 assert calculate_average([5,4,8,9]) == 6.5
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable


3)    Exercise: Write a function called first_two that accepts one argument called my_list and returns a new list consisting of the first two elements of my_list. Use slice notation. What happens when you call your function with a zero-length or one-length list?

assert first_two([]) == []

assert first_two([1]) == [1]

assert first_two([1,2,3]) == [1,2]


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-52-b4835bc628df> in <module>

----> 1 assert first_two([]) == []

      2 assert first_two([1]) == [1]

      3 assert first_two([1,2,3]) == [1,2]


TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

4)    Exercise: Write a function called length_of_longest_word that accepts one list variable called word_list as an argument and returns the length of the longest word in that list. Hint: initialize a variable above your loop with a statement like this: max_length = 0. Then, in the body of your loop, use the max function to compare this max_length value with the length of the current word, like this: max(max_length, length_of_current_word), and then update max_length appropriately with the new value. If you get lost, try adding some print statements inside of your loop!


assert length_of_longest_word(["these", "are", "diminuitive", "words"]) == 11
assert length_of_longest_word(["short", "tiny", "haha", "antidisestablishmentarianism"]) == 28


5. Exercise: Write a function called sum_leq that accepts as input a number variable called num and returns the sum of all positive integers less than or equal to num. For example, sum_leq(4) should return 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. Hint: you will need to use a variable to keep track of the total as you add more numbers. To check your implementation, call your function with the argument 100 - you should get a result of 5050.


6. Exercise: Write a function called should_get_hired that accepts two arguments: interview_one_score and interview_two_score and returns the following values:

  1. If both interview_one_score and interview_two_score are greater than four, return "hire"
  2. If either interview_one_score or interview_two_score (but not both) are greater than four, return "interview again"
  3. Otherwise, return "nope"assert should_get_hired(5,5) == "hire"

assert should_get_hired(3,5) == "interview again"

assert should_get_hired(5,3) == "interview again"

assert should_get_hired(2,2) == "nope"

7. Exercise: Write a function called get_loyalty_program that receives a single argument called customer_spending_usd. If the customer spent more than $50,000, your function should return "platinum". If the customer spent more than $20,000, your function should return "gold". Otherwise, your function should return "no status"

assert get_loyalty_program(70000) == "platinum"

assert get_loyalty_program(45000) == "gold"

assert get_loyalty_program(0) == "no status"


8. Exercise: Write a function called calculate_sphere_volume that accepts one argument called radius and uses the pi value from the math module and the function math.pow above to implement the formula 43??343πr3:

assert calculate_sphere_volume(1) == 4.1887902047863905

assert calculate_sphere_volume(2) == 33.510321638291124


9. Exercise: Write a function called random_element that accepts a list argument my_list and returns a random element from the list. Hint: you can do this with the randint function, or you can be adventurous and search the random module documentation for a function that can perform the same task with fewer lines of code.


assert random_element([1,2,3,4,5]) == 5

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