1. Design a use case diagram:Dental Clinic Patient Management System
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A dental clinic needs a system to manage patient records. This system does not keep any medical records. It only processes patient administration.
Each patient has a record with his/her name, date of birth, address and gender. Each patient is also associated with an insurance carrier record. The insurance record contains name of insurance company, address, billing contact person, and telephone number. Information about each office visit is entered by the clerk. The visit information include date of visit, type of procedure, and description. Each visit is for a single patient but a patient will have many office visits in the system.
The clerk enters patient information and office visit information by each patient. The business manager prints the invoices. The invoices information include: type of invoice (to the insurance company or to the patient), date, insurance copay amount, paid code, and total charge. The payment information (date and amount paid) is entered by the business manager.
2. Create a use case narrative for one use case. Your use case narrative should contain the following information: Use case name, Actors, Precondition, Post condition, Typical courses of events (basic flow), and Alternative courses of events
3. Attached.
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