Describe the nature of business performance management (BPM)



Learning Outcome(s): Week2
The students will be able to:
explain the need for computerized support of managerial decision making.
describe the conceptual foundations of decision making.

Question One
Prescriptive analytics is considered to be a step further ahead of predictive analysis and substantially different from it. Provide an example of each and outline their differences.
1 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): Week2
The students will be able to: describe the conceptual foundations of decision making.

Question Two
Explain why decision-makers using the same decision-making process might end up with two different decisions.
1 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): Week3
The students will be able to:
explain the basic definitions and concepts of data warehouses.
describe the processes used in developing and managing data warehouses.

Question Three
Discuss Inmon's and Kimball's Models for Data warehouse development in detail. Also, highlight their differences.

1 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): Week4
The students will be able to:
describe the nature of business performance management (BPM)

Question Four
Business Performance Management encompasses five basic processes: strategize, plan, monitor, act, and adjust. Select one of these processes and discuss the types of software tools and applications that are available to support it.
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