Assignment #2 Screening and Assessment (worth 30%)
Introduction to your paper: (individual)
Provide an introduction into what your paper
will explore, the type of research that is discussed in the paper and summarize
the outcome of the paper.
Presenting Symptoms: (individual)
Discuss your case study and the presenting
symptoms that the client is experiencing.
Implementation of the screening and
assessment tools: (individual)
Considerable attention must be paid to the
tools’ psychometric performance: for example, sensitivity (ability to detect
people with a mental health and substance use presentation, specificity
(ability to detect people who do not have a mental health or substance use
Identify the false positive rate for both
screening tools.
Discuss the validity and reliability of the tools. Does the tool measure
what it's intending on measuring? Does the scoring produce consistency when
people are retested?
What are the strengths and limitations of these tools?
Is there a need for another screening tool? IE) Cognitive Impairment
What are the characteristics of a standardized screening tool? Are the
screening tools used for your case standardized?
As a
mental health and addiction worker, discuss ways you could measure and evaluate
your clients progress?
Pull in
the information from your Screening and Assessment course to discuss these
Functional Assessment and Functional
Analysis (that is included within the assessment – Form posted to the course
page under Assignment # 2)
(group completion and choice of one
member to submit or individually submit with your assignment on the form
Complete a Pay-off Matrix and a Functional
Assessment Summary for your client. This will be completed as a group and ONE
group member will submit to drop box.
Discuss the relationship between substance
use and mental health symptoms for your client. Be sure to explain what you
have determined is the purpose of the client’s substance use. (refer to
models/theories of Concurrent Disorders to understanding your client)
You are required to complete
the functional assessment by using the information from your case study summary
and your two completed screening tools. Make sure you are referring to the
recommendations of the screening tools.
In 5-6 paragraphs, define a biopsychosocial spiritual/cultural model as
an assessment framework. Support your explanation of this framework with best
practice research. Connect back to your
case study. (individual
completion and submission which will include the following):
Summarize the key themes
within your biopsychosocial spiritual/cultural model formulation and connect
this to your recommended level of care.
Refer to System level of
care and the Quadrant Model.
Once you
have scored your two screening tools and completed the functional Assessment
package then you start to build your formulation.
your Case Formulation Form by summarizing the formulation domains. In paragraph
form, complete the Case Formulation Form utilizing the information within your
case study, screening tools and assessment. (discussion as a group,
individual submission in your own words in paragraph form on the form provided)
to cite your work using proper APA formatting
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