Display the customer company name, address, city, region, customer country, employee full name

computer science


Query #1: Display the customer company name, address, city, region, customer country, employee full name

(last name, coma space first name — LastName, FirstName) using an alias of FullName, order ID and the order

date that meet the following criteria:

. The order ID must be within the range of 10000 and 10500

. The order date must be from the month of December

. customers from the countries of UK, USA, Brazil, or Italy

Displayed the result set is by the order date starting with the most current date (latest date) to the oldest date.

Query #2: Display the customer company name along with the phone number of who have at least one order.

You must setup an Outer join. Also, the customer’s phone number must NOT contain u555N anywhere ¡n the

phone number (these are fake phone numbers). Order your results by company name.

Query #3: Display the following fields:

Customers CustomerlD, Customers.CompanyName, Customers Company, Customers.ContactName,

Customers.ContactTitle, Orders.OrderlD, Orde rs.OrderDate, [Order Detailsj Prod uctl D,

[Order Detailsj Quantity, [Order Detailsj Unit Price, [Order Detailsj Product Sales (Quantity * Unit Price)

Only display the above information if ALL, of the following criteria are met:

. The contact name contains the letter ‘manager’ anywhere within the contact title

. The quantity ordered ¡s 40 or more

. The country must be Brazil or France

Order the results by Customer Company Name, Order Date descending.

Query #4: Create the following summary query: By Product Name list the following:

Category Name

Product Name

total product sales amount - (Calculated field using the Orders Detail table: UnitPrice * Quantity)

total number of products ordered - (the sum of the quantity field within the Order Details table)

This should be for all products with a category of Condiments whose order discount is 0. Filter out (remove

from result set) products whose total number of products ordered is 240 or greater.

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