Economics of Human Trafficking



Instructions to follow:

Please read the "$ Create A Unit Assignment 2016-17.pdf" file properly and create a lecture question or unit for this assignment then answer the assignment accordingly. It must contain 1250 words (no more or less) Times New Roman 12-font double spaced. The letter/email should be in Arial 11-font and single-spaced.

DON'T FORGET to include in-text citations or Footnotes or Endnotes and then references/bibliography/works cited page at the end of the assignment (use any citation style format...Chicago style/APA/MLA citing format, but whatever you choose be consistent with it throughout the assignment). Make sure the references are reliable too so no Wikipedia or anything like that. CITE EVERYTHING that is not common knowledge! READ THE ASSIGNMENT HANDOUT and answer accordingly 

For the 2 scholarly articles part: Go to google and type "Seneca library". The username is rrajput1 and password is Finance-2016 (YOU MUST USE THIS AND PROVIDE ME WITH A CITATION FOR THE 2 ARTICLES YOU CHOSE)

For the letter/email part: Please find an appropriate person (any person) to present and it shouldn't be a professor in any university and also tell why this person is appropriate to present such topic in the university lecture hall

NOTE: "Making Money Syllabus 2016-17.pdf" is the course outline for my course and it has all the units listed by name and dates on there. So don't choose any of those questions in this assignment.

Microsoft Word - $ Create A Unit Assignment 2016-2017.docx

  • ****If you are having difficulty brainstorming questions, spend some time thinking about and combining: the things we do with money (spend, save, lose, steal, give, take, hoard, use, sue for, etc.); the things we do for money; themes that interest you (sex, sports, art, nature, politics, computing, celebrity, marriage, war, etc.); scholarly fields of study at a university:*******

Hey. Nice to meet you too. Please once you think of the topic, run the name by me. 
For brainstorming ideas for topic: If you are having difficulty brainstorming questions, spend some time thinking about and combining: the things
we do with money (spend, save, lose, steal, give, take, hoard, use, sue for, etc.); the things we do for money; themes that interest you (sex, sports, art, nature, politics, computing, celebrity, marriage, war, etc.); scholarly fields of study at a university:

Here are some of what I could think of:
1. What is the economics of human trafficking and human labor across the world? (fits under the Criminology field) [Like the levels of human trafficking and labour are rising for monetary purposes.]
2. Where does the Medical Research Money Go? (fits under Scientific Research field) [Like not all of our funds given to government goes toward medical research so where does the rest of the money go?]
3. What is the economics of women having an "ideal" body shape? (fits under Fashion, Art field) [Like some artists draw pictures of naked women with good body shape only to sell it at a higher price or fashion industry portrays skinny models to attract general audience towards their shows and therefore earn higher money]
I don't know if these are good ones or not. But that's why I could think of. You can see if these are good topics or not. If you don't like these then you can use one of ur own topic. REMEMBER the topic should be in QUESTION form. Then follow the assignment sheet's (Create a unit - thats assignment file) instructions and answer the question. There is a rubric in the assignment sheet too. In-text citations and works cited page is a must. For the 2 scholarly articles, use my seneca account (mentioned above) and find the articles there. It must not be a book or magazine article, only scholarly articles can be used. Then find a person suitable as a guest lecturer and write an email to convince them to come to York University and give a lecture. Also, mention in the email why they are suitable to give a lecture for this topic and assume you are the professor at York University while writing the email. 

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