Ethical Hacking Assignment Below is a project for my Ethical Hacking class. I am looking for a hand in completing this. This project is basically a mock proposal to a company, and should reflect a security suite of choice, how it can help the company, and why it was selected. A list of vulnerabilities for testing is listed in the details. Additionally, there is a Case Study included with the instructions. I will paste everything below, as well as attach it in a file. Finally, please ensure that the material in this project is fresh, and not copied from someone else or something that was previously posted online. It's only 3-5 pages, so it shouldn't be tough to whip up; I am just looking for some assistance so I can focus on other things in my final weeks! Thanks! CMIT 321 Executive Proposal Project The purpose of this project is to evaluate the student's ability to research and evaluate security testing software and present a proposal for review by executive team members. By completing the document the student will also gain practical knowledge of the security evaluation documentation and proposal writing process. The project will enable the student to identify and understand the required standards in practice, as well as the details that should be covered by a proposal. Project Deliverable Using the Case Study presented in this document, to complete an executive proposal. Provide a three to five-page proposal summarizing purpose and benefit of chosen security software to the executive management team. The student will evaluate and test security testing software for purposes of testing corporate network security. The purpose of the software is to measure the security posture of the organization by identifying vulnerabilities and help prevent future attacks and deter any real-time unknown threats. wn hands-on experience
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