Ethical Theories assignment




Final Paper on Business Ethic, Please Google "Richard Wigton: Wall Street and the Insider Trading Scandal" online and complete attached file " Ethical Application Template"

Your paper will follow the attached file"Sample Ethical Theory Application" and The major difference for the final paper is that you will be entirely responsible for its focus and content.

Your paper is to include the four (4) items listed below

:1. the perspective of a particular "moral agent" (to be clearly stated)

2. "the ethical decision or issue" to be evaluated ( to be clearly stated)

3. "two separate lists of probable consequences" consisting of at least 8 to 10items each resulting if the proposed action is taken, or if it is not taken

4. the special ethical "inputs" from each of the ethical theories or theorists presented in class in the order of presentation and in the order as listed below:



Rule Utilitarianism

Situation Ethics

Golden Rule

Categorical Imperative

Prima Facie Duties

Maximum Principle of Justice


Remember also: to state the complete "measurement" for each of the ethical theory positions you are applying to your case study before you make any judgments or the defense of your judgments.Your paper must be a minimum of at least four (4) computer or typed-written pages in length and must conform to the College standards for English grammar and form.

 just get an update from instructor: 

Your paper is to include the four (4) items listed below:
1. the perspective of a particular “moral agent” (to be clearly stated)
2. “the ethical decision or issue” to be evaluated ( to be clearly stated)
3. “two separate lists of probable consequences” consisting of at least 8 to 10 items each resulting if the proposed action is taken, or if it is not taken
4. the special ethical “inputs” from each of the ethical theories or theorists presented in class in the order of presentation and in the order as listed below:
Act Utilitarianism
Rule Utilitarianism
Situation Ethics
Golden Rule
Categorical Imperative
Prima Facie Duties
Maximum Principle of Justice
You are to follow the prescribed format for each Ethical Theory application -

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