Explain how a firm's human resources influence organizational performance



You are to show evidence of your research by providing research of at least three resources per topic or core learning objective.  These are listed below.  Remember to include the one topic from Unit 4 when you completed the Research Review. Again, that means you are now providing research on 4 of the core learning objectives related to this course for your final paper.  Please be sure your resources and research include the following information related to each topic:

The paper should be approximately 7 pages in length excluding the cover page. Each new topic/core learning objective should be clearly noted.  For example, you might bold and underline a new topic you begin to discuss.  References should be listed at the end of each topic and all 4 topics should be 1.5 to 2 pages in length with 12 point font, double-spaced with one inch margins.

  • At least 75% of the verbiage in your offering for each topic must be in your own words. Up to 25% can be the words of others taken from either the text or from the articles you used in support of your offering. You may paraphrase (which is taking the words of others and restating them in your own words – see Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.)), or you may quote the words of others as long as you give proper credit (see APA below). Be careful not to plagiarize which is using the words of others and presenting them as your own. Any verbiage presented in your offering that is not properly cited or given appropriate credit will be deemed as you presenting those words as your own.
  • Provides a very thorough, in-depth explanation of how human resources are the main way organizations perform, including examples from actual organizations
  • Creates and thoroughly describes situations and examples as well as identification of the HR initiatives to respond to workplace changes including diversity, globalization, and downsizing.
  • Submits a thorough explanation of all aspects of HR law compliance and supports the explanation with examples.
  • Submits a thorough explanation of more three reasons employees join unions and examples to support each reason.

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Why do employees join unions 2.docx

Explain how a firm's human resources influence organizational performance.

Describe how firms can use HR initiatives to cope with workplace changes and trends such as a more diverse workforce, the global economy, downsizing, and new legislation.

Explain why compliance with HR law is an important part of doing business.

Explain why employees join unions.

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