For this assignment a mock report will be written. Choose a film, novel, or autobiography that features a person with a mental illness. Imagine this person has come to see you for diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations.



For this assignment a mock report will be written. Choose a film, novel, or autobiography that features a person with a mental illness. Imagine this person has come to see you for diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations. The paper should be 6-8 pages and be written with APA formatting. You may not have enough information from the film or book to complete certain sections, so feel free to add information that was not included. However, do not change what was offered in the film or the book; try to stay as true to the person/character as you can. Please submit via blackboard.


Must include the following sections:

  1. Report 
    1. Presenting problem and history of presenting illness
    2. Past treatment history
    3. Medical history/Developmental history
    4. Family history (family mental health and substance use)
    5. Social history
    6. School/employment history
    7. Assessment, diagnosis
  2. Recommendations (Supported by relevant literature, appropriate to client, creativity welcome)
  3. Differential – What other diagnoses did you consider and why did you rule them in and out.

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