How did promoters of mercantilism use state and national governments to promote economic growth? Why did many Americans believe that the grant of special privileges and charters to private businesses violated republican principles? How did republican idea



How did promoters of mercantilism use state and national governments to promote economic growth? Why did many Americans believe that the grant of special privileges and charters to private businesses violated republican principles? How did republican ideas shape parent-child and marriage relationships and expectations? How did the aristocratic republicanism of the South differ from the democratic republicanism of the North? 

What compromises over slavery did the members of Congress make to settle the Missouri crisis? Who benefited most from the agreement? Which American churches were the most Republican in their institutions and ideology? Why did Protestant Christianity and Protestant women emerge as forces for social change? How did American textile manufacturers compete with British manufacturers? How successful were they? In what ways did the emerging industrial economy conflict with artisan republicanism? How did wage laborers respond to the new economy? 

What were the effects of the railroad boom of the 1850s? Why did railroads supplant the roads and canals systems? What roles did state and national government play in the development of America's transportation networks? Describe the different types of cities that emerged in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century. Explain the differences in their development. What were social classes created by the economic revolution? Describe their defining characteristics. What were the main goals of the Benevolent Empire? To what extent were they achieved?

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