Identify all of the dependencies for this instruction suite. (Give the numbers of the conflicting instructions and the number of the register that causes the conflict.)

computer science



I. You can do the assignment alone or in pairs. 

II. Submit your answers in pdf format on Moodle. a. Write your names. 

iii. For the answers, you must write down your full reasoning. a. An answer without the explanations will be scored zero, even if it is good.

a) Identify all of the dependencies for this instruction suite. (Give the numbers of the conflicting instructions and the number of the register that causes the conflict.) 

b) Identify anti-dependencies. (Give the numbers of the conflicting instructions and the number of the register that causes the conflict.) 

c) If we use a five (5) stage pipeline as seen in class with a sending unit for contingencies. Rewrite the code by adding the necessary nops so that there is no random problem. d) How many cycles will it take to run the code you built in number c

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