Imagine that the US House of Representatives is deciding whether or not to begin a program that will allot a certain amount of taxpayer money per year to the care of older adults in our country. As an expert on aging, you have been asked to comment on thi

political science


Imagine that the US House of Representatives is deciding whether or not to begin a program that will allot a certain amount of taxpayer money per year to the care of older adults in our country. As an expert on aging, you have been asked to comment on this issue. Imagine that you made the Living Old video available to the committee that asked you to make the statement, and that the committee members will watch the video before hearing your statement. Prepare a brief statement (in real life, this statement will be your paper that you will turn in for class) that will be used to briefly tell the committee the main points they need to know in order to understand why it is or is not important to allot money for the care of older adults. Note: For the purpose of this assignment, “care” does not just refer to medical care. Instead, it refers to anything that contributes to the physical, medical, psychological, or social wellbeing of older adults. Your paper should be, from beginning to end, the exact statement you would make to the committee. Please note: we are not asking you to mention anything about commenting on this to the House of Representatives; instead, just use this situation to get you thinking about the issues at hand

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