In this Empirical Exam, you will be asked to write codes that are related to course materials. The questions are taken from materials covered from in-person recitations and later recitation videos. Codes that appears in Professor Parsa’s lecture will also be tested. The questions should guide you towards the answer and you should be able to finish this test within 1 hour. The purpose of this test is to show your knowledge on coding, as this is the emphasis of the recitations throughout this semester. This test will carry a 10% weight towards your final grades. You must write up your solution individually and do not copy other people’s answer. Late submissions will not be accepted. You MUST also comply the following guidelines.
General Guidelines In the Assignment page, you will find the exam questions in the following two formats: the PDF file with hthe questions, and the same questions in the .R template file. You will be asked to answer the questions in the .R file and submit the edited .R file. You need to follow the steps below:
1. Change the .R filename to: Lastname_Firstname_Nnumber.R, where you need to use your respective information for Lastname, Firstname, and Nnumber. For example, a student named Jane Doe, who has an N number N12345678, will rename their code Doe_Jane_N12345678.R. You will subtract 5 points to the students who didn’t adjust the R filename appropriately.
2. You should then proceed to edit the content of the .R file. The code template is clearly guided with comments, and you need to write codes (without comments) at the right place.
3. You are not asked to give an interpretation to your results, but only provide the codes to implement the analysis.
4. After finishing editing the .R file, you should submit the solution on NYU classes before the designated
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