In this project, I have recorded and encrypted a 30-second electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. Your task on this mini-project will be to use MATLAB to decrypt/reverse filter the supplied signal to uncover the original ECG recording (or, come as close to doing



In this project, I have recorded and encrypted a 30-second electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. Your task on this mini-project will be to use MATLAB to decrypt/reverse filter the supplied signal to uncover the original ECG recording (or, come as close to doing so as possible). Encryption of physiologic signals has a few different applications, including for providing patient privacy in general medical practice as well as providing secrecy/security in military field operations (wherein you do not wish to reveal any information—including the physiologic status of soldiers—to your enemy). Data are encrypted at their source, transmitted (through channels that may not be secure), then decrypted once received. The person performing the decryption knows the encryption scheme and, therefore, the way in which to reconstruct the original input signal. Anyone else who “steals” the transmitted signal is (hopefully) unable to perform the decryption. Of course, encryption is utilized in a wide variety of areas, from securing electronic transmission of wireless information, to detection of stolen/unlicensed video and audio recordings. We will primarily utilize a few simple encryption concepts so as to exercise your skills in digital signal processing and filtering.

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