Indoor Football Organization assignment help



Major Term Project: Adopt a Team

As fulfillment of the research component of this course, students will complete a major term

project. Reports are to be typed, double-spaced with the class number (HSTM 4430), your

name and date on the top of the page.

Assignments without a name will receive no credit.

All papers should be e-mailed to the instructor by the deadline. Any late papers will receive a 5 pt. reduction each day that is late. Extenuating circumstances beyond your

control will be taken into consideration only when contact has been made with the instructor

as soon as possible.

Papers should be written using one of two formats: American Psychological Association

(APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA). Additional tutorials and information on

how to write quality papers can be found online at the Troy University Writing Center, A link to this site also is included in the

“External Links” section of the course site on Blackboard.

Objective of Assignment

Each will adopt either a minor professional sports organization or major college athletic

department and will summarize and evaluate the marketing efforts of the organization in a

written report. Students should be able to get the most information from the team’s Web site or

articles from sites such as the SportsBusiness Journal (SBJ), as well as other searches on

the Internet. A few phone calls may have to be made to secure other information either from

a staff member or through materials being mailed.

Elements of Assignment

 Research the sponsorship opportunities the organization offers and sponsors with which

the organization has a relationship.

 Conduct a SWOT analysis for the organization.

 What market research efforts does the organization use to learn more about potential and

current customers?

 Discuss the segments the organization tries to reach.

 Define the sport product and its extensions.

 State the pricing for all tickets, luxury seating, sponsorship opportunities, concessions,

and parking.

 List all of the promotions the organization uses to create awareness as well as game

promotions (e.g., in-game promotions and give-aways).

 Present an overview of programs that reach out to the community.

 Present an overall evaluation of the organization’s marketing efforts

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