Problem Description
We went over an Expression Tree in class which was able to:
• Parse a Postfix expression into an Expression Tree
• Evaluate the expression
• Generate code for the expression
All of the code for this example is available on Canvas. You will be making several enhancements to it. The required changes are straight-forward but there is an opportunity to earn extra credit in this assignment (see Bonus Section at the bottom).
1) Infix Notation String: The tree already has the ability to print itself out in a graphical tree type format:
ExpressionTree.printTree(). Add the ability to convert an expression tree to an infix notation String. Do this
by overriding the ExpressionTree.toString() method. You can use parentheses to make sure the expression
would be interpreted correctly. In the Postfix.main() method, the tree is already printed this way:
System.out.println("The Infix expression is: " + tree);
2) Parse and Evaluate Variables: Currently the expressions accepted include only integer constants and
operators (+, -, *, /). Add variables. A variable is a single lowercase letter, a through z. When evaluating a
tree with variable, ask the user for the value of each variable. Note that the user is asked when evaluating
the tree, not when parsing the expression.
3) Generate Code for Variables: Modify the code generation part of the code to handle these new variables.
Assembly language does not have variables, per se. However, it does have memory which can be labelled
with a name. That’s how we will code any variable that is seen in the expression. If a variable ‘x’ is used in
an expression, produce the following two lines of code for it:
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