“Instructions for the Major part of
assignment , the word file worth 18% of your final grade you submit to
the following as the cover page for the word
“Title: semester 1, 2020 BUS105 computing assignment”
“Student number:”
“Sample: ”
“(students must use the dataset provided
each student has been allocated their own sample)”
You need to submit a word file with the
answers to 9 questions the first 8 are about the dataset the last question is a
paraphrasing task (refer to pages 3 to 6)
You will use your dataset and the automatic
dataset summarizer to get the descriptive statistics that are used questions 1
to 5 and the inferential statistics that are used in question 6 to 8.
to check you have correctly obtained your dataset check both p-values are
correct when you investigate both categorical variables (question 6)
word count can be less than 1500 words if you are giving answers that demonstrate
you have understood the material.
Summary of the dataset (question 1 to 8 given on pages 3 to 6 are about the dataset)
Suppose market research company XYZ did a
survey in two different countries. The survey was designed to gather basic
information about some customers and their opinion about TV model XYZ
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