International engagement is important and the United States has many good organizations that fall under this category. My favorite NGO would probably be Samaritans Purse.



International engagement is important and the United States has many good organizations that fall under this category. My favorite NGO would probably be Samaritans Purse. Founded by Bob Pierce in 1970, the organization is currently run by Franklin Graham, son of Evangelist Billy Graham. This is a Christian humanitarian organization that funds people in need, or areas in need of funding. They also have huge efforts in regards to mission work, sending thousands of people to different locations every year. The thing that sets this organization apart from others is the Christian message it delivers with each aid drop, or the people they send out. Every person is equipped to teach the word of God and the organization puts a large emphasis on this part of the mission because it is what it was founded on. 

This group is based out of Boone, North Carolina, but has locations all over the world. They have efforts going continuously, with Operation Christmas Child being one of their largest missions. They collect shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygiene supplies, and objects for young poverty stricken children all over the world. They collected 11,213,010 boxes in 2015 alone. My mother heads up the Operation Christmas Child at my church and it is a great thing to be apart of.

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