Just to start off, this assignment is for a classed called Meaning of the Arts, which undertakes central questions in philosophy of art and aesthetics concerning the nature of art and its value, and the ways to understand, evaluate and interpret works of art. Assignment: This a short paper assignment. 3 pages minimum. 12 pt, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double spaced (MLA style). No header/title/name/date/etc is needed. All THREE readings must be read and thoroughly analyzed prior to writing the paper. However, all three readings DO NOT necessarily need to be incorporated in the paper. Relevant, valuable quotations from the attached readings (at the least) must be included in the paper. Credible outside sources are HIGHLY preferred to further explain an argument/idea.
This paper is an opportunity for you to engage a theme of particular interest to you in conjunction with the readings attached in this request. You may wish to write about a particular reading, or you may wish to write a more comparative piece, bringing in ideas from both readings (if applicable). That said, please develop your own analysis, perspective, and “voice” here, as well. If you draw upon other relevant research in the paper, which will entail a certain “added” initiative, please use credible online sources. Things to consider (where applicable) in writing this paper:
• What would you consider the main arguments/claims of the reading(s)? What were some of the prevalent themes/c oncerns? What are some key passages that exemplify some of those themes? • Consider certain aspects of the reading(s) that you would like to pursue further, to pursue more in-depth. Maybe you agree or disagree with certain aspects of the readings. OK. Why? • What sense do you have of the contemporary relevance of the ideas presented? Overall, although this assignment is relatively short, this paper needs to be well-crafted, and easy-to-read. NO PLAGIARISM (will be verified). Thank you very much for your time. CITATIONS: Freeland Citation: Freeland, Cynthia A. But Is It Art?: An Introduction To Art Theory. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. Print.
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