When you want to review a paper, there are several things that you need to look at. Following are some guidelines (not all of them) that you need to do when you are evaluating and summarizing a paper. Please make sure that you follow them in a step by step order. This will make things much easier to read and make your final writing.
1. Make sure that you define what the research question(s) are. This comes in several forms. It could
be clearly stated as the research question, hypothesis, problem of study, or topic of study. Simply,
answer the question of what the author(s) are studying.
Example: Sumadi (2015) investigates (studies, analyzes, evaluates, etc.) the role of currency devaluation on the balance trade in 1, 2, 3. [You can mention additional investigation topics about the topic]
2. Review the countries under investigation. This must be spilled out clearly. Meaning, you need to state
the countries that are studied clearly.
Example: The study investigates the trade balance of China with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.
3. Determine the duration of the study; what time frame does the study covers. Meaning, what are the years of the study and is it annual, quarterly, or monthly?
Example: The study reviews the annual trade data between the countries from 2005 to 2015.
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