Marx’s theory of history is described as ‘materialist’ because: Select one:

political science


1-Marx’s theory of history is described as ‘materialist’ because:

Select one:


a. It values material wealth over spiritual fulfilment

b. It regards struggles over economic resources and interests as being the driving force behind societal evolution and not struggles over ideas as posited by Hegel

c. It has a disparaging attitude towards the Bourgeois way of life

d. All of the above




2- Which of the following statements best describes why Marx believed capitalism was ‘self-subverting’?

Select one:

a. Because capitalism supposedly has a tendency towards reduced competition and monopoly as wealth and power is concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people?

b. Because capitalism supposedly nurtures a sense of class consciousness among the working class who feel exploited under it

c. Because capitalist systems will supposedly eventually implode as the exploited rebel in favour of a more just system of production

d. All of the above



3- Which of the following statements best describes why Pusey rejects the notion that neoliberalism has been a positive influence on society?

Select one:

a. It increases economic inequalities

b. It nurtures employment insecurity through the casualization of professions

c. It shrinks wage and salary earnings

d. All of the above


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