Matching right answer To open a program window in Mac OS X. To reduce a window to a button on the taskbar. To move a window. To make a window larger or smaller.

computer science


Matching right answer To open a program window in Mac OS X. To reduce a window to a button on the taskbar. To move a window. To make a window larger or smaller. To return a maximized window to its original size. Point to the window’s title bar, and then drag the window. Click an icon on the Dock Click the window’s Restore Down button Drag the border or corner of the window. Click the window’s Minimize button What you need to change to make words appear bigger on the page Shadowing and reflection are examples of this You adjust this to control the amount of white space in between rows of text This defines what text characters look like The document formating feature you use to make paragrpahs line up with the left side of the page.

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