Modify the design and program to test if each letter the user entered is one of the letters in the word. If the letter guessed is in the word, display a message to the user that they guessed correctly, if not display a message that the user guessed incorr

technical writing


Modify the design and program to test if each letter the user entered is one of the letters in the word. If the letter guessed is in the word, display a message to the user that they guessed correctly, if not display a message that the user guessed incorrectly. Add a score variable that will keep track of the number of incorrect guesses. If the user guesses incorrectly, increment the score variable. Display the score at the end of the program. Modify the design and program to allow for iteration. Increase the number of guesses to 10 to solve the word. Display the word to the user with each letter as a special character such as ********. Create an array of correct letters guessed such as: char[] guessed = new char[26]; You will need counter also to keep track of how many letters are in the guessed array. You do not need to keep track of incorrectly guessed letters.

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