Need a I/O Psych project *8-9 pages in APA format ( excluding cover & Reference) with a Outline/coinciding Power Point 3-6 slides is an applied science, students will be required to demonstrate their ability to apply I/O concepts in projects assigned to I



Need a I/O Psych project *8-9 pages in APA format ( excluding cover & Reference) with a Outline/coinciding Power Point 3-6 slides is an applied science, students will be required to demonstrate their ability to apply I/O concepts in projects assigned to I/O Practitioners in a working environment. Examples of applied projects include: Conducting a job analysis on a job they currently occupy. Developing a personnel selection system based on an existing job analysis. Evaluating a training program. Utility Analysis. Evaluating or constructing a performance management tool. Solving an organizational problem with the tools of psychological science Retrieve at least one professional journal (for example, Journal of Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, or Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Aamodt, M. G. (2010). Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach (7th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth. ISBN: 13:978-0-495-60106-7

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