Norm-Breaking Research Paper Assignment To complete this assignment, you first must break a norm--i.e. not conform to some social rule. It is up to you what norm you break. Examples of a behavior that is non-normative are: sitting at your dinner table and



Norm-Breaking Research Paper Assignment To complete this assignment, you first must break a norm--i.e. not conform to some social rule. It is up to you what norm you break. Examples of a behavior that is non-normative are: sitting at your dinner table and ignoring the serving utensils and silverware by using only your hands to serve and eat your meal; 2) refuse to “turn take” or listen in a conversation and talk over anyone who begins to speak; 3) face the back rather than front of an elevator when riding it; 4) haggle over the price of a candy bar or soda in a store; and 5) wear your underwear on the outside of your regular clothing.

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