One way to get started with HRM is to explore the nature of work, in other words, jobs, occupations, and careers; the latter is particularly relevant since you are pursuing a graduate degree intended to help you advance in your targeted career. In some cases, your employer will provide resources to help you advance in your career. Some government organizations, like the military, make career development a central focus in advancing managers and leaders. In other cases, especially in smaller organizations, you may have to pursue this on your own. Certainly while you are at USF you can avail yourself of the career service staff in the School of Management. More information on this resource and others is provided in the Career Portfolio section of Module 5 in the Online USF New Student Orientation, which you completed earlier in the program. The purpose of this assignment is twofold; one, to give you an exposure to the breath of jobs and occupations available in the U.S. and the relevant resources for learning more about these occupations, and, two, to give you an opportunity to focus more deeply on your career objectives.
Please visit the following website:
.The first thing you will want to do is to peruse the site generally to get a sense of its scope. Once you have done this, identify your targeted career job in three to five years and try of find it on the website. The search can be done at least two ways: "Search Careers with Key Words," or "Browse Careers by Industry." However you choose to perform your search, select an appropriate occupation and review the write-up, paying special attention to the KSA’s (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities).
After you have determined your targeted career, visit the following website:
. While there, learn what you can about the prospects for your targeted career position or a related occupational area.This is a graded discussion: 30 points possible
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